
Small filled pockets, steamed
The ingredients for dough and filling of the Buuz are exactly the same as with Khuushuur and Bansh, the differences are in the size, shape, and cooking method. Buuz are cooked under steam, and usually have an opening at the top.
A variety of Buuz made with yeast dough are called Mantuun Buuz.



250 g Flour
1.5 dl Water


300 g Minced meat Traditionally, mutton is used, other types of meat such as beef work just as well.
Mongolians consider fat meat to be of higher quality, but there's no problem in using western style lean meat.
Borts can also be used.
1 p. Onion Minced
2 p. Garlic cloves Minced
3-5 tblsp. Water

Prepare the Filling

  • Mix minced meat, onion and garlic.
  • Add water until the mass is smooth to work with.
  • Add enough salt and spices (the dough has no salt).

Prepare the dough

  • Mix flour and water to create a pliable dough. Let it rest for 15 min.
  • Cut the dough into 2 cm (0.8 in) thick slices, roll the slices.
  • Cut the rolls into pieces of 3 cm (1.2 in), flatten the pieces with a finger.

Form the pockets

The decorative design of the buuz is a matter of honor for the cook. At first, the result will probably look a bit clumsy. Mongolian experts produce small miracles in no time almost without looking.
There are several different possibilities to form the buuz, but the beginning is always the same.
  • The pieces of dough are rolled into circles of about 7 cm (2.8 in) diameter, making the center slightly thicker than the edge.
    It is best only to roll as many circles you can process further within a few minutes. Forming the pockets will be more difficult when the dough is already starting to get dry.
  • Hold one circle the open hand (the left one for righties) and place about one tea spoon of the meat mass in the center.

Round Buuz

This is the most traditional shape, and differs the most from the other forms of mongolian filled pockets.
  • Fold the edge at one side, and press it together with your fingers.
  • Create another fold next to the previous one, slightly offset to the outside, and press it together as well.
  • Continue this way, continuously rotating the buuz as you go along.
  • When done right, then this will result in a ring, which keeps the pocket together at the top.
  • A small opening remains open in the center.

Folded Buuz

This method doesn't require as much dexterity, but also yields an esthetically pleasing result.
  • Fold the circle from both sides, and press the opposing edges together in the middle over the meat.
  • Fold the edges from across as well, and press them together into the previous connection.
  • The result is a flowerlike pouch, with four openings around the top.
  • With a little practise, you can also try to make six "petals".

Semicircular Buuz

This shape is normally reserved for Khuushuur or Bansh, but as shown here, it is extremely quick to produce.
  • Fold the circle into half, to crate a crescent shape with the edges lying on top of each other.
  • Press the edges together along the semi circle to close the Buuz.
  • Place the Buuz on its "back", and compress the round edge by lifting the ends. This will result in various shapes, with a meandering edge.

Cooking the Buuz

The finished Buuz are cooked under steam without pressure. The easiest way to do this is a special pan with perforated inlays. Such inlays are also available for normal pans. Flat and wide inlays are used for the wok type pan used on the stove in the yurt.
  • Oil the inlays, or dip the bottom of each Buuz in oil.
  • Place the Buuz on the inlay, ideally without touching each other.
  • Fill sufficient water into the bottom of the pan.
  • Insert inlays, close the lid, and don't open it anymore until the Buuz are finished.
  • Keep the steam going for about 15 min.
  • Now open the lid, and fan some air to the Buuz, eg. with a cutting board. This will give them a glossy look, and a tasty looking slightly reddish color.

Serving suggestions

The tradition mongolian cuisine knows very little vegetable, so that the Buuz are considered a complete meal (possibly with Ketchup or other condiment). Served this way the quantities given are good for 2 people.
When served with vegetables or other side dishes, the quantities should easily feed 4 people.
Of course, modern technology won't stop even in front of traditional dishes like Buuz. All of Buuz, Bansh, and Khuushuur are sold in mongolian supermarkets frozen and packaged and ready to cook. But the results of our comparative experiments were unambiguous: Handmade tastes better almost by principle!

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